Non-Gaming Applications

Have an education app, or something completely unique? Reach out and we will build a custom development plan just for you.

What Sets Our Custom Experiences Apart?

Expand the potential of interactive media with DevBuddy's non-gaming application development services. Our team applies game development principles to a variety of sectors including educational technology, simulations, and virtual events. By leveraging the immersive power of Unity, we create engaging experiences that enhance learning, training, and entertainment. From virtual classrooms to lifelike simulations and interactive concerts, our applications are designed to captivate users and transform ordinary interactions into extraordinary digital adventures.


Educational Technology Solutions

Develop interactive educational applications that make learning engaging and effective. Utilize gamification techniques to create dynamic learning environments that increase retention and make complex subjects accessible and fun.


Realistic Simulations

Craft high-fidelity simulations for industries such as healthcare, aviation, and engineering. These applications offer hands-on experience in a risk-free environment, perfect for training, testing, and planning.


Virtual Events and Concerts

Host immersive virtual concerts and events that bring people together from around the globe. Our expertise in creating virtual spaces allows for rich interaction and a memorable audience experience, comparable to physical attendance.


Custom Applications for Diverse Needs

Whether you're looking to simulate intricate processes for training purposes or create an interactive museum exhibit, we tailor our solutions to meet your specific needs. Our versatile skill set enables us to deliver unique, impactful applications across various industries.

Check out our Non-Gaming Applications projects

At DevBuddy, we commit to turning your vision into exceptional gaming experiences. Our portfolio demonstrates our expertise across a range of genres and platforms, emphasizing our commitment to quality and innovation.

Future Fest

Devbuddy and FutureFest analyzed event creation, identified bottlenecks, and devised a plan for the agile team to swiftly develop unique community events.

Desktop & Web
7 Months
Delivered on Time

Sonic 30th Anniversary Concert ft. Steve Aoki

Devbuddy synchronized animations to music, managed character vision, and tool creation, delivering meticulously tailored content within a challenging timeline.

Streamed Event
14 Days
Delivered on Time

The Big Table - VR

Devbuddy completed development post-acquisition, finalizing features, optimizing for VR, and crafting a tutorial, ensuring Oculus app certification standards were met.

2 Months
Delivered 35% Early

Fetch Force

Devbuddy improved content integration, implemented cloud saving, prepared for monetization, and established seasonal features, ensuring high-quality gameplay and bug-free experience.

2 Months
Delivered on Time

Quantum Chess

Devbuddy enhanced project integration with Quantum simulator, adding multiplayer, player accounts, and matchmaking for smooth performance and immersive gameplay.

6+ Months
Delivered on Time

Voxie Tactics

Devbuddy collaborated with Future House Studio to port a custom C++ project to Unity for the Voxies team, expanding community resources and maintaining game integrity.

3 Months
Delivered on Time

Swords of Secret

Devbuddy created Swords of Secret, a geolocation-based adventure with dynamic combat and quests, offering real-world rewards near users' locations to drive exploration and engagement.

2.5 Months
Delivered on Time

Future Fest

DevBuddy worked together with FutureFest to analyze their content and event creation process. We identified several bottle necks and put a plan together to address these concerns. This included:
- Revamped Multiplayer features
- Custom Handling of Dynamic Cloud and NFT Content
- Custom Tools and Architecture speed up development
- Developed Pets which unlocked a new NFT offering

7 Months
Delivered on Time

Ready to bring your projects vision to life?

Don't settle for anything less than exceptional. Click to get started on your journey to high-quality, budget-friendly, and timely game development.